The Cayo Centre for Employment Training (CCET) was founded on December 13th, 1995 as result of the need for Technical and Vocational Education and Training for school leavers from Primary School and Secondary School levels of education.

CCET is a community institution which operates with a Manager and a Board of Governors representing a cross-section of the community. CCET receives an annual grant from the Government of Belize (GOB), which contributes to a percentage of the operational costs. Other funding are obtained through grants from agencies – for specific projects (e.g. equipping computer lab, purchasing of expensive equipment, etc.), sale of projects and services from the Centre, as well as tuition fees paid by trainees and sponsors.


The Centre at present offers training in seven (7) full-time level-one and seven (7) full-time level-two programs, namely: Hospitality Management Level 1 and 2, Front Office Level 1 and 2, Food Preparation/Cooking Level 1 and 2, Automotive Mechanics Level 1 and 2, Electrical Installation-House Wiring Level 1 and 2, and Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Level 1 and 2. A part-time program in Tour Guiding is offered in collaboration with the Belize Tourism Board (BTB).

The institution works very closely with the surrounding communities and produces skilled laborers for the workforce; especially the tourism-related occupations, which makes up a large percentage of the Cayo District.

A trainee spends nine months at the Centre acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and work ethics; thereafter he/sheis placed at a business establishment for an On-The-Job Training for the duration of the tenth and final month. Upon satisfactory completion, a trainee receives a competency Certificate.